Tuesday, January 27, 2009

exams are stressful.

Exams are fucking sad. I can't really explain right now because my fucking computer is not working right. The internet is all fucking shitty. Right now i am at barnes and nobles using my sister's friend Mateusz cell phone that has internet. It is working splendidly. No it is not a sidekick or a iphone. Anyways i'll write more when i can. I gotta go back to studying and more studing.. Ugh i pray for a snow storm just to have more time to study. Damn me for my procastination disease. Yes i diagnose myself. Lol cus who knows me better than myself, right? =)


I have no internet in the house and its annoying writing in this word pad for the time being. I'll obviously post this when i do get it back. I have a feeling that my dad did something to the internet just to prevent me from slacking. BUT obviously i am still procastinating even without the damn internet. It just now very very inconvinent. I am so desperate that i went to our local public libary to use the internet, only to find out that MOST of my favorite sites are BLOCKED. It fucking blows. I can't wait to leave this town.

So, my chem-com exam is tomorrow and i have not studied. I have a little, tiny hope that it will snow just enough to cancel school. It is probably not going to snow at all. And I will most likely regret doing this, but i have no motivation to study. I am so worn out. I can't believe i waited last min to study. ugh.

I feel like i never get to fully finish my blogs. Things lately have been so crazy.

I guess for now this is all i have to say, and i will just sum up my week by friday. I hope by then my internet works.
BTW, The office is hilarious! Its fucking brilliant and makes me laugh with joy.

Around 11:22pm
-its not snowing and there are no signs it will snow anytime soon. So, i guess that i will have school and i will most likely take the damn tests tomorrow. Plus, to totally shatter all my hopes, my mother came up to remind me even more that there will be school since the news didnt report anything about having no school.

blah i need to take a shower.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sundays are dreadfuulllll.

Church was uncomfortable as always. Gabe was with us this time. My baby brother may just be one but sure has a loud mouth of a 10 year old. Boy can he scream when he is mad. Most stubborn spoiled cutest twerp in the world.
Anyways i saw old new and not so good friends. I didnt stop much to say hi. I left before it was completely done to get the car and bring to the front cus mother was complaining how cold it was for my brother. So as always, (finding any excuse to leave early) I got the car. I feel bad. I wish i had a better faith, and felt strongly about religion as most people. I guess im not one of them. I hate it when mother forces me to go. I wish she could make me decide for myself.

Im mad that i ate a gallon today. This morning i controlled myself not to have rice before we go to church and so i ate a bowl of cereal. I was very pleased. Then after church i ate the damn rice and beef. I say i ate more th 5 bowls! fuckitty fuck fuck. so thats like 30 pounds there! ugh. i swear. starting right now i will change. I think its cus in new years i didnt really make any effort to change myself or have any resolution. I'll make my list now.

The following, I will NOT....
1. Eat beef till i lose atleast 10 pounds.
2. Eat past 6pm
3. Make pointless conversations with unimportant people
5. Slip into any temptations with asswholes and jerks.

... for now this. I need to studay for my Alg2 exam tomorrow.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

new blog. how refreshing.

Yes im very satistfied with this. Very refreshing. I needed a blogspot. I needed somewhere to jot down the crazy shittyness that clouds my head everyday. I needed somewhere to let out my fustrations and ramble on about pointless shit just so i dont lose my mind and take my fustrations out on my dear friends and family. The previous blog felt to used and damaged and ehhhh. I didnt like the name either. It was all crap. ugh. crap crap crap.

Anyways finals are this week and im going fucking crazy. Im not prepared(as always) and i know shit about what im doing. (meaning im fucking screwed) I dont feel prepared and thats NEVER a good thing. I need this stupid shit of a math class to fucking graduate. i swear this school system is crap. the school is crap. the people a even worse than crap. Ugh. Im so excited to leave yet i know i will miss it. (only of my youth; fuck everything else, i could live without ever going through stupid shit of teenage drama.)

I was at barnes and nobles today, seriously one of my favorite places in union. Its not even in union its in springfield so yeah. I love going there, its so chill. Anyways i was suppose to study for alg2, but lauren had my damn review sheet! lol so at first i tried getting the learning books (like study guides and etc) for the subject but i couldnt concentrate, so i decided to walk around and look for good books i could read. I went to the sex section, i love that section, i was a bit shy when someone would come by, so i pretend i would look at the relationship parts and not so much on xxx things lol. i dont know why i did, maybe cus they would think im some twisted teenager who loves to fuck. Whatever. I stumbled on a couple of good books but one in particular. I was fasinated by this book called "Dairy of a sex fiend" girl with a one track mind by Abby Lee. It was very entertaining and i couldnt stop reading it. I would have bought it, but with this crap recession i decided not to and just come back to read it there. Hehehe think money smart, and thats whaat i wanna start to do.

I wish i had this much to say when it came to my research report paper that i did not do. Another reason why i should study instead of being in the fucking computer. Ugh. I am really starting to concider myself fucking retarted, cus iam always putting myself in these shitty butt crunching situations. GAHWD IM SUCH A MESSS.