Tuesday, January 27, 2009

exams are stressful.

Exams are fucking sad. I can't really explain right now because my fucking computer is not working right. The internet is all fucking shitty. Right now i am at barnes and nobles using my sister's friend Mateusz cell phone that has internet. It is working splendidly. No it is not a sidekick or a iphone. Anyways i'll write more when i can. I gotta go back to studying and more studing.. Ugh i pray for a snow storm just to have more time to study. Damn me for my procastination disease. Yes i diagnose myself. Lol cus who knows me better than myself, right? =)


I have no internet in the house and its annoying writing in this word pad for the time being. I'll obviously post this when i do get it back. I have a feeling that my dad did something to the internet just to prevent me from slacking. BUT obviously i am still procastinating even without the damn internet. It just now very very inconvinent. I am so desperate that i went to our local public libary to use the internet, only to find out that MOST of my favorite sites are BLOCKED. It fucking blows. I can't wait to leave this town.

So, my chem-com exam is tomorrow and i have not studied. I have a little, tiny hope that it will snow just enough to cancel school. It is probably not going to snow at all. And I will most likely regret doing this, but i have no motivation to study. I am so worn out. I can't believe i waited last min to study. ugh.

I feel like i never get to fully finish my blogs. Things lately have been so crazy.

I guess for now this is all i have to say, and i will just sum up my week by friday. I hope by then my internet works.
BTW, The office is hilarious! Its fucking brilliant and makes me laugh with joy.

Around 11:22pm
-its not snowing and there are no signs it will snow anytime soon. So, i guess that i will have school and i will most likely take the damn tests tomorrow. Plus, to totally shatter all my hopes, my mother came up to remind me even more that there will be school since the news didnt report anything about having no school.

blah i need to take a shower.

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